Monday, September 26, 2016

League of Utah Writers 2016 Writing Contest Results

Best in Show (prose): Dustin Earl “Kami No Itte”
Best in Show (poetry): Isaac Timm “Beast-man”

1.      Short fiction:
1st Amahl (Scott Tarbet)
2nd Aren’t You the Kid? (Denis Feehan)
3rd And Once She Could Fly (Chadd VanZanten)
Honorable Mentions:
            Dirty George (Jef Huntsman)
            The Right Note (Anne Stark)
            Just Wait for the Answer (Chadd VanZanten)

2.      Short genre fiction:
1st The Boy Who Could Not Sleep (Denis Feehan)
2nd The Half Door (Crystal Vail)
3rd Daphne, the Girl in the Armor (Amanda Luzzader)
Honorable Mentions:
            The Screensaver’s Footprints (Jeffery Bateman)
Lovecraft’s Pillow (Scott Forman)
The Albatross (Jennifer Stevens)

3.      Flash:
1st Initiation (Millie Tullis)
2nd The Thaw (Karla Jay)
3rd Ghost Herder (Emily Wheeler)
Honorable Mentions:
            Déjà Vu (Sherrie Lynn Clarke)
            Home (Sabrina Watts)
Road to Nowhere (Amanda Luzzader)

4.      Creative nonfiction:
1st Kami No Itte (Dustin Earl)
2nd Tete-a-Tete: The Secret Language of Hair (Felicia Rose)
3rd Shooter (Jeffery Bateman)
Honorable Mentions:
            My Pick-Me-Up (Lora Stead)
The Libertine (Felicia Rose)
            Klatch (Timothy James)

5.      First chapter (Novel):
1ST Pretender to the Crown (Melissa McShane)
2nd A Shot at Justice (Karla Jay)
3rd Camdon Cain (Christauna Asay)
Honorable Mentions:
            Memoirs of a Synth: Gold Record (Lyn Worthen)
            Clocking Out (Margot Hovley)
            The Passenger (Gregory Deluca)

6.      First chapter (YA):
1st The Runes of Rahmanhatenweep (James Beers)
2nd Snakes Are Terrible at Running Away (Abby Thorne)
3rd Killing Nightmares (Leah Garriott)
Honorable Mentions:
            Snotty’s Revenge (Robin Glassey)
            The Fox on Fire (Rosalie Ledezma)
            The Sea Child (Carol Nicolas)

7.      Romance:
1st Across the Lines (Emily Wheeler)
2nd Beyond Dracula (Kendra Ellis)
3rd Intersections (Lyn Worthen)
Honorable Mentions:
            Maple Mind Madness (Lori Parker)
            The Union (Dawnene Wilson)
            Rite of Passage (Linne Marsh)

8.      Media article:
1st On Writing: Never, Never, Never Quit (unless you should) (Jeffery Bateman)
2nd A Good Death (Marie Tollstrup)
3rd Surviving SIDS (Sherrie Lynn Clarke)
Honorable Mentions:
            Observation of an Apprentice (Lyn Worthen)
            Rows of Flags—Too Close to Home (Jeffery Bateman)
            Harnessing Your Design Personality (Sue Leth)

9.      Children’s book:
1st Blending (Christy Monson)
2nd Sawyer Grace Ropes a Calf (Jeffery Bateman)
3rd The Best Cheesy Sandwich Ever (Wayne Gledhill)
Honorable Mentions:
            Willowbee’s Workshop (Jeffrey Huenke)
            Bedtime Battle (Christy Monson)
            Everyone Up Front (Megan Jones)

10.   Encore prose:
1st The Thriller Book Killer (Shirley Spain)
2nd Living Pictures (Sherrie Lynn Clarke)
3rd Wordless (Emily Wheeler)
Honorable Mentions:
            The Scarlet Letter 2.0 (Julie Walton)  
Razor Wire (Lorraine Jeffery)
A Little Magic (Carol Nicolas)

11.   Narrative poetry:
1st Beast-man (Isaac Timm)
2nd Mirror Worlds (Stephen Proskauer)
3rd They Dance to “Fly Me to the Moon” (Millie Tullis)
Honorable Mentions:
            Little Birds in Love (Shirley Manning)
            Beyond Icarus (Shirley Manning)
            Optimist Prime (Isaac Timm)

12.   Light verse:
1st Engaged or Not (Grace Jessen)
2nd Only in the Ditches (Lorraine Jeffery)
3rd Homonymium (Jef Huntsman)
Honorable Mentions:
            Unlocked (John Olsen)
            Computer Drain (Robyn Buttars)
            An Echo (Trish Hopkinson)

13.   Humor:
1st For Thumb’s Sake (Marie Tollstrup)
2nd Bray (Joshua Sorensen)
3rd Click (Lori McDonald)
Honorable Mentions:
            Sweetie (Millie Tullis)
Ode to Sills (Marie Tollstrup)
            Growling Toilet (Jef Huntsman)

14.   Word play poetry:
1st The Octopus (Denis Feehan)
2nd The Naked Me (Amanda Luzzader)
3rd Grand Canyon Canopy (Marie Tollstrup)
Honorable Mentions:
            Facing Despair (Jeremy Gohier)
            Mollusk II (Trish Hopkinson)
            Embraceable Me (Marilyn Richardson)

15.   Encore poetry:
1st Unsuspecting (Robyn Buttars)
2nd Hard Saddle on a Cold Day (Jeffery Bateman)
3rd Message from a Crow (Shirley Manning)
Honorable Mentions:
Embers (Marie Tollstrup)
White Peaches (Irene Hastings)
Raccoon Shuffle (Marie Tollstrup)

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